Creates a Kaplan-Meier plot with at risk tables below for survfit object.
jskm( sfit, table = FALSE, table.censor = FALSE, xlabs = "Time-to-event", ylabs = NULL, xlims = c(0, max(sfit$time)), ylims = c(0, 1), surv.scale = c("default", "percent"), ystratalabs = NULL, ystrataname = "Strata", timeby = signif(max(sfit$time)/7, 1), main = "", pval = FALSE, pval.size = 5, pval.coord = c(NULL, NULL), pval.testname = T, marks = TRUE, shape = 3, med = FALSE, legend = TRUE, legendposition = c(0.85, 0.8), ci = FALSE, subs = NULL, label.nrisk = "Numbers at risk", size.label.nrisk = 10, linecols = "Set1", dashed = FALSE, cumhaz = F, cluster.option = "None", cluster.var = NULL, data = NULL, cut.landmark = NULL, showpercent = F, status.cmprsk = NULL, linewidth = 0.75, theme = NULL, nejm.infigure.ratiow = 0.6, nejm.infigure.ratioh = 0.5, nejm.infigure.ylim = c(0, 1), = NULL, ... )
sfit | a survfit object |
table | logical: Create a table graphic below the K-M plot, indicating at-risk numbers? |
table.censor | logical: Add numbers of censored in table graphic |
xlabs | x-axis label |
ylabs | y-axis label |
xlims | numeric: list of min and max for x-axis. Default = c(0,max(sfit$time)) |
ylims | numeric: list of min and max for y-axis. Default = c(0,1) |
surv.scale | scale transformation of survival curves. Allowed values are "default" or "percent". |
ystratalabs | character list. A list of names for each strata. Default = names(sfit$strata) |
ystrataname | The legend name. Default = "Strata" |
timeby | numeric: control the granularity along the time-axis; defaults to 7 time-points. Default = signif(max(sfit$time)/7, 1) |
main | plot title |
pval | logical: add the pvalue to the plot? |
pval.size | numeric value specifying the p-value text size. Default is 5. |
pval.coord | numeric vector, of length 2, specifying the x and y coordinates of the p-value. Default values are NULL |
pval.testname | logical: add '(Log-rank)' text to p-value. Default = F |
marks | logical: should censoring marks be added? |
shape | what shape should the censoring marks be, default is a vertical line |
med | should a median line be added to the plot? Default = F |
legend | logical. should a legend be added to the plot? |
legendposition | numeric. x, y position of the legend if plotted. Default=c(0.85,0.8) |
ci | logical. Should confidence intervals be plotted. Default = FALSE |
subs | = NULL, |
label.nrisk | Numbers at risk label. Default = "Numbers at risk" |
size.label.nrisk | Font size of label.nrisk. Default = 10 |
linecols | Character or Character vector. Colour brewer pallettes too colour lines. Default ="Set1", "black" for black with dashed line, character vector for the customization of line colors. |
dashed | logical. Should a variety of linetypes be used to identify lines. Default = FALSE |
cumhaz | Show cumulative incidence function, Default: F |
cluster.option | Cluster option for p value, Option: "None", "cluster", "frailty", Default: "None" |
cluster.var | Cluster variable |
data | select specific data - for reactive input, Default = NULL |
cut.landmark | cut-off for landmark analysis, Default = NULL |
showpercent | Shows the percentages on the right side. |
status.cmprsk | Status value when competing risk analysis, Default = 2nd level of status variable |
linewidth | Line witdh, Default = 0.75 |
theme | Theme of the plot, Default = NULL, "nejm" for NEJMOA style, "jama" for JAMA style |
nejm.infigure.ratiow | Ratio of infigure width to total width, Default = 0.6 |
nejm.infigure.ratioh | Ratio of infigure height to total height, Default = 0.5 |
nejm.infigure.ylim | y-axis limit of infigure, Default = c(0,1) | | breaks unit in y-axis, default = NULL(ggplot default) |
#> Warning: data set ‘colon’ not found